SLATE 2024.05.31
Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascale
▼Nslate | SLATE's top-level namespace |
▼Ndevice | GPU device implementations of kernels |
Cnx_traits | Look up NX based on data type |
Nfunc | A set of functions useful in SLATE's "lambda" constructors |
Nimpl | Namespace used for target implementations |
▼Ninternal | Namespace used for SLATE internal implementation |
CArray2D | Very simple 2D array |
Cdevice_regions_params | Helper class to store the information on a device region |
CDevVector | A simple vector class for GPU memory, loosely based on std::vector |
CTargetType | TargetType is used to overload functions, since there is no C++ partial specialization of functions, only of classes |
Nwork | Namespace used for SLATE actual work implementation |
CBandMatrix | General banded, non-symmetric, m-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices |
CBaseBandMatrix | Base class for all SLATE distributed, tiled banded storage matrices |
CBaseMatrix | Base class for all SLATE distributed, tiled matrices |
CBaseTrapezoidMatrix | Base class for all SLATE distributed, tiled trapezoidal storage matrices |
CBaseTriangularBandMatrix | Triangular banded, n-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices |
CDebug | Slate::Debug - helper class used for debugging during development |
CException | Base class for SLATE exceptions |
CFalseConditionException | Exception class for slate_assert() |
CHermitianBandMatrix | Hermitian banded, n-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices |
CHermitianMatrix | Hermitian, n-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices |
Cis_complex | True if T is std::complex<T2> for some type T2 |
CLockGuard | Constructor acquires lock; destructor releases lock |
CMatrix | General non-symmetric, m-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices |
CMatrixStorage | Slate::MatrixStorage class Used to store the map of distributed tiles |
CMemory | Allocates workspace blocks for host and GPU devices |
Cmpi_type | Gives mpi_type based on actual scalar_t |
CMpiException | Exception class for slate_mpi_call() |
CNotImplemented | Exception class for slate_not_implemented() |
COmpSetMaxActiveLevels | Constructor ensures that OpenMP max-active-levels-var ICV has a minimum value; destructor resets original value |
COptionValue | Values for options to pass to SLATE routines |
CSymmetricMatrix | Symmetric, n-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices |
CTile | Tile holding an mb-by-nb matrix, with leading dimension (stride) |
CTimer | Simple class around wall-clock timer; currently uses MPI_Wtime |
CTrapezoidMatrix | Trapezoid, n-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices |
CTriangularBandMatrix | Triangular banded, n-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices |
CTriangularMatrix | Triangular, n-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices |
CTrueConditionException | Exception class for slate_error_if() |