SLATE 2024.05.31
Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascale
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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NslateSLATE's top-level namespace
 NdeviceGPU device implementations of kernels
 Cnx_traitsLook up NX based on data type
 NfuncA set of functions useful in SLATE's "lambda" constructors
 NimplNamespace used for target implementations
 NinternalNamespace used for SLATE internal implementation
 CArray2DVery simple 2D array
 Cdevice_regions_paramsHelper class to store the information on a device region
 CDevVectorA simple vector class for GPU memory, loosely based on std::vector
 CTargetTypeTargetType is used to overload functions, since there is no C++ partial specialization of functions, only of classes
 NworkNamespace used for SLATE actual work implementation
 CBandMatrixGeneral banded, non-symmetric, m-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices
 CBaseBandMatrixBase class for all SLATE distributed, tiled banded storage matrices
 CBaseMatrixBase class for all SLATE distributed, tiled matrices
 CBaseTrapezoidMatrixBase class for all SLATE distributed, tiled trapezoidal storage matrices
 CBaseTriangularBandMatrixTriangular banded, n-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices
 CDebugSlate::Debug - helper class used for debugging during development
 CExceptionBase class for SLATE exceptions
 CFalseConditionExceptionException class for slate_assert()
 CHermitianBandMatrixHermitian banded, n-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices
 CHermitianMatrixHermitian, n-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices
 Cis_complexTrue if T is std::complex<T2> for some type T2
 CLockGuardConstructor acquires lock; destructor releases lock
 CMatrixGeneral non-symmetric, m-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices
 CMatrixStorageSlate::MatrixStorage class Used to store the map of distributed tiles
 CMemoryAllocates workspace blocks for host and GPU devices
 Cmpi_typeGives mpi_type based on actual scalar_t
 CMpiExceptionException class for slate_mpi_call()
 CNotImplementedException class for slate_not_implemented()
 COmpSetMaxActiveLevelsConstructor ensures that OpenMP max-active-levels-var ICV has a minimum value; destructor resets original value
 COptionValueValues for options to pass to SLATE routines
 CSymmetricMatrixSymmetric, n-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices
 CTileTile holding an mb-by-nb matrix, with leading dimension (stride)
 CTimerSimple class around wall-clock timer; currently uses MPI_Wtime
 CTrapezoidMatrixTrapezoid, n-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices
 CTriangularBandMatrixTriangular banded, n-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices
 CTriangularMatrixTriangular, n-by-n, distributed, tiled matrices
 CTrueConditionExceptionException class for slate_error_if()