SLATE 2024.05.31
Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascale
No Matches
slate::Tile< scalar_t > Class Template Reference

Tile holding an mb-by-nb matrix, with leading dimension (stride). More...

#include <Tile.hh>

Public Member Functions

 Tile ()
 Create empty tile.
 Tile (int64_t mb, int64_t nb, scalar_t *A, int64_t lda, int device, TileKind kind, Layout layout=Layout::ColMajor, MOSI_State mosi_state=MOSI::Invalid)
 Create tile that wraps existing memory buffer.
 Tile (Tile< scalar_t > src_tile, scalar_t *A, int64_t lda, TileKind kind, MOSI_State mosi_state=MOSI::Invalid)
 Create tile based on an existing tile and use existing memory buffer.
void copyData (Tile< scalar_t > *dst_tile, blas::Queue &queue, bool async=false) const
 Copies data from this tile to dst_tile.
void copyData (Tile< scalar_t > *dst_tile) const
 copies this tile's data to dst_tile data, both assumed on host
void send (int dst, MPI_Comm mpi_comm, int tag=0) const
 Sends tile to MPI rank dst.
void isend (int dst, MPI_Comm mpi_comm, int tag, MPI_Request *req) const
 Sends tile to MPI rank dst.
void recv (int src, MPI_Comm mpi_comm, Layout layout, int tag=0)
 Receives tile from MPI rank src.
void irecv (int src, MPI_Comm mpi_comm, Layout layout, int tag, MPI_Request *req)
 Receives tile from MPI rank src using immediate mode.
void bcast (int bcast_root, MPI_Comm mpi_comm)
 Broadcasts tile from MPI rank bcast_root, using given communicator.
int64_t mb () const
 Returns number of rows of op(A), where A is this tile.
int64_t nb () const
 Returns number of cols of op(A), where A is this tile.
int64_t stride () const
 Returns column stride of this tile.
void stride (int64_t in_stride)
 Sets column stride of this tile.
scalar_t const * data () const
 Returns const pointer to data, i.e., A(0,0), where A is this tile.
scalar_t * data ()
 Returns pointer to data, i.e., A(0,0), where A is this tile.
scalar_t operator() (int64_t i, int64_t j) const
 Returns element {i, j} of op(A).
scalar_t const & at (int64_t i, int64_t j) const
 Returns a const reference to element {i, j} of op(A).
scalar_t & at (int64_t i, int64_t j)
 Returns a reference to element {i, j} of op(A).
int64_t rowIncrement () const
 Return the number of elements to increment to get to the next element in the row, accounting for row-or-column major layout and transposed tiles.
int64_t colIncrement () const
 Return the number of elements to increment to get to the next element in the column, accounting for row-or-column major layout and transposed tiles.
bool origin () const
 Returns true if this is an origin (local non-workspace) tile.
bool workspace () const
 Returns true if this is a workspace tile.
bool allocated () const
 Returns true if SLATE allocated this tile's memory, false if the user provided the tile's memory, e.g., via a fromScaLAPACK constructor.
TileKind kind ()
 Returns the TileKind of this tile.
size_t bytes () const
 Returns number of bytes; but NOT consecutive if stride != mb_.
size_t size () const
 Returns number of elements; but NOT consecutive if stride != mb_.
Uplo uplo () const
 Returns whether op(A) is logically Lower, Upper, or General storage.
Uplo uploLogical () const
 Returns whether op(A) is logically Upper, Lower, or General storage, taking the transposition operation into account.
Uplo uploPhysical () const
 Returns whether A is Upper, Lower, or General storage, ignoring the transposition operation.
Uplo uplo_logical () const
void uplo (Uplo uplo)
 Sets upper, lower, or general storage flag.
Op op () const
 Returns transposition operation.
void op (Op op)
 Sets transposition operation.
int device () const
 Returns which host or GPU device tile's data is located on.
Layout layout () const
Layout userLayout () const
void setLayout (Layout in_layout)
 Set's the tile's layout, updating the stride and front buffer as need be.
void layout (Layout in_layout)
bool isContiguous () const
bool isUserContiguous () const
bool isTransposable ()
 Returns whether this tile can safely store its data in transposed form based on its 'TileKind', buffer size, Layout, and stride.
void makeTransposable (scalar_t *data)
 Attaches the new_data buffer to this tile as an extended buffer extended buffer to be used to hold the transposed data of rectangular tiles Marks the tile as extended NOTE: does not set the front buffer to be the extended one NOTE: throws error if not already transposable.
void layoutReset ()
 Resets the tile's member fields related to being extended.
bool extended () const
scalar_t * extData ()
scalar_t * userData ()
void layoutSetFrontDataExt (bool front=true)
 Sets the front buffer of the extended tile, and adjusts stride accordingly.
scalar_t * layoutBackData ()
int64_t layoutBackStride () const
void layoutConvert (scalar_t *work_data=nullptr)
 Convert layout (Column / Row major) of this tile (host CPU implementation).
void layoutConvert (scalar_t *work_data, blas::Queue &queue, bool async=false)
 Convert layout (Column / Row major) of this tile (device GPU implementation).
void layoutConvert (blas::Queue &queue, bool async=false)
 Overload with work_data = nullptr.
void set (scalar_t alpha)
 Set tile data to constant.
void set (scalar_t alpha, scalar_t beta)
 Set tile data to constants.
MOSI state ()
 Returns the MOSI status of the tile.
bool stateOn (MOSI_State stateIn) const
 returns whether the Modified/Shared/Invalid state or the OnHold flag is On
Tile< scalar_t > slice (Op op, int64_t i, int64_t j, int64_t mb, int64_t nb, Uplo uplo)
 Creates a tile with the same data that slices the view of this tile.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr bool is_complex = slate::is_complex<scalar_t>::value
static constexpr bool is_real = ! is_complex

Protected Member Functions

void state (MOSI_State stateIn)

Protected Attributes

int64_t mb_
int64_t nb_
int64_t stride_
int64_t user_stride_
scalar_t * data_
scalar_t * user_data_
scalar_t * ext_data_
Op op_
Uplo uplo_
TileKind kind_
Layout layout_
 layout_: The physical ordering of elements in the data buffer:
Layout user_layout_
int device_
MOSI_State mosi_state_


template<typename T >
class BaseMatrix
template<typename T >
class TileNode
template<typename T >
class MatrixStorage
template<typename TileType >
TileType transpose (TileType &A)
 Returns shallow copy of tile that is transposed.
template<typename TileType >
TileType conj_transpose (TileType &A)
 Returns shallow copy of tile that is conjugate-transposed.

Detailed Description

template<typename scalar_t>
class slate::Tile< scalar_t >

Tile holding an mb-by-nb matrix, with leading dimension (stride).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Tile() [1/2]

template<typename scalar_t >
slate::Tile< scalar_t >::Tile ( int64_t  mb,
int64_t  nb,
scalar_t *  A,
int64_t  lda,
int  device,
TileKind  kind,
Layout  layout = Layout::ColMajor,
MOSI_State  mosi_state = MOSI::Invalid 

Create tile that wraps existing memory buffer.

[in]mbNumber of rows of the tile. mb >= 0.
[in]nbNumber of columns of the tile. nb >= 0.
[in,out]AThe mb-by-nb tile A, stored in an lda-by-nb array if ColMajor, or lda-by-mb array if RowMajor.
[in]ldaLeading dimension of the array A. lda >= mb if ColMajor. lda >= nb if RowMajor.
[in]deviceTile's device ID.
[in]kindThe kind of tile:
  • Workspace: temporary tile, allocated by SLATE
  • SlateOwned: origin tile, allocated by SLATE
  • UserOwned: origin tile, allocated by user
[in]layoutThe physical ordering of elements in the data buffer:
  • ColMajor: elements of a column are 1-strided
  • RowMajor: elements of a row are 1-strided

◆ Tile() [2/2]

template<typename scalar_t >
slate::Tile< scalar_t >::Tile ( Tile< scalar_t >  src_tile,
scalar_t *  A,
int64_t  lda,
TileKind  kind,
MOSI_State  mosi_state = MOSI::Invalid 

Create tile based on an existing tile and use existing memory buffer.

[in]src_tileTile to copy metadata from
[in,out]AThe mb-by-nb tile A, stored in an lda-by-nb array if ColMajor, or lda-by-mb array if RowMajor.
[in]kindThe kind of tile:
  • Workspace: temporary tile, allocated by SLATE
  • SlateOwned: origin tile, allocated by SLATE
  • UserOwned: origin tile, allocated by user

Member Function Documentation

◆ at() [1/2]

template<typename scalar_t >
scalar_t & slate::Tile< scalar_t >::at ( int64_t  i,
int64_t  j 

Returns a reference to element {i, j} of op(A).

If op() is ConjTrans, data is NOT conjugated, because a reference is returned. Use operator() to get the actual value, conjugated if need be.

[in]iRow index. 0 <= i < mb.
[in]jColumn index. 0 <= j < nb.

◆ at() [2/2]

template<typename scalar_t >
scalar_t const & slate::Tile< scalar_t >::at ( int64_t  i,
int64_t  j 
) const

Returns a const reference to element {i, j} of op(A).

If op() is ConjTrans, data is NOT conjugated, because a reference is returned. Use operator() to get the actual value, conjugated if need be. This takes column-major / row-major layout into account.

[in]iRow index. 0 <= i < mb.
[in]jColumn index. 0 <= j < nb.

◆ bcast()

template<typename scalar_t >
void slate::Tile< scalar_t >::bcast ( int  bcast_root,
MPI_Comm  mpi_comm 

Broadcasts tile from MPI rank bcast_root, using given communicator.

[in]bcast_rootRoot (source) MPI rank in mpi_comm.
[in]mpi_commMPI communicator.

◆ copyData() [1/2]

template<typename scalar_t >
void slate::Tile< scalar_t >::copyData ( Tile< scalar_t > *  dst_tile) const

copies this tile's data to dst_tile data, both assumed on host

Copies data from this tile to dst_tile (host to host implementation).

WARNING: device ID set in device_ of both tiles should be properly set.

[in]dst_tileDestination tile.

◆ copyData() [2/2]

template<typename scalar_t >
void slate::Tile< scalar_t >::copyData ( Tile< scalar_t > *  dst_tile,
blas::Queue &  queue,
bool  async = false 
) const

Copies data from this tile to dst_tile.

Figures out the direction of copy and the source and destination devices from the destination tile and this tile. WARNING: device ID set in device_ of both tiles should be properly set.

[in]dst_tileDestination tile.
[in]queueBLAS++ queue for copy if needed.
[in]asyncIf false, don't synchronize the device queues (asynchronous mode), otherwise synchronize at every device operation

◆ extData()

template<typename scalar_t >
scalar_t * slate::Tile< scalar_t >::extData ( )
Pointer to the extended buffer

◆ extended()

template<typename scalar_t >
bool slate::Tile< scalar_t >::extended ( ) const
Whether this tile has extended buffer

◆ irecv()

template<typename scalar_t >
void slate::Tile< scalar_t >::irecv ( int  src,
MPI_Comm  mpi_comm,
Layout  layout,
int  tag,
MPI_Request *  request 

Receives tile from MPI rank src using immediate mode.

[in]srcSource MPI rank in mpi_comm.
[in]mpi_commMPI communicator.
[in]layoutIndicates the Layout (ColMajor/RowMajor) of the received data. origin matrix tile afterwards.
[in]tagMPI tag
[out]requestMPI request object

◆ isContiguous()

template<typename scalar_t >
bool slate::Tile< scalar_t >::isContiguous ( ) const
Whether the front memory buffer is contiguous

◆ isend()

template<typename scalar_t >
void slate::Tile< scalar_t >::isend ( int  dst,
MPI_Comm  mpi_comm,
int  tag,
MPI_Request *  request 
) const

Sends tile to MPI rank dst.

[in]dstDestination MPI rank in mpi_comm.
[in]mpi_commMPI communicator.
[in]tagMPI tag
[out]requestMPI Request object

◆ isTransposable()

template<typename scalar_t >
bool slate::Tile< scalar_t >::isTransposable ( )

Returns whether this tile can safely store its data in transposed form based on its 'TileKind', buffer size, Layout, and stride.

todo: validate and handle sliced-matrix

◆ isUserContiguous()

template<typename scalar_t >
bool slate::Tile< scalar_t >::isUserContiguous ( ) const
Whether the user's memory buffer is contiguous

◆ layoutBackData()

template<typename scalar_t >
scalar_t * slate::Tile< scalar_t >::layoutBackData ( )
Pointer to the back buffer

◆ layoutBackStride()

template<typename scalar_t >
int64_t slate::Tile< scalar_t >::layoutBackStride ( ) const
Stride of the back buffer

◆ layoutConvert() [1/2]

template<typename scalar_t >
void slate::Tile< scalar_t >::layoutConvert ( scalar_t *  work_data,
blas::Queue &  queue,
bool  async = false 

Convert layout (Column / Row major) of this tile (device GPU implementation).


  • In-place conversion for square tiles
  • In-place conversion for contiguous rectangular tiles, using a workspace.
  • Out-of-place conversion if extended tile, swaps front buffer accordingly.

Tile must be transposable already, should call makeTransposable() if not. A BLAS++ queue should be provided if tile instance is on a device.

[in]work_dataPointer to a workspace buffer, needed for out-of-place transpose.
[in]queueBLAS++ queue to run the kernels on the device.
[in]asyncIf false, don't synchronize the device queues (asynchronous mode), otherwise synchronize at every device operation

◆ layoutConvert() [2/2]

template<typename scalar_t >
void slate::Tile< scalar_t >::layoutConvert ( scalar_t *  work_data = nullptr)

Convert layout (Column / Row major) of this tile (host CPU implementation).


  • In-place conversion for square tiles
  • In-place conversion for contiguous rectangular tiles, using a workspace.
  • Out-of-place conversion if extended tile, swaps front buffer accordingly.

Tile must be transposable already, should call makeTransposable() if not.

[in]work_dataPointer to a workspace buffer, needed for out-of-place transpose.

◆ layoutReset()

template<typename scalar_t >
void slate::Tile< scalar_t >::layoutReset

Resets the tile's member fields related to being extended.

WARNING: should be called within MatrixStorage::tileLayoutReset() only. NOTE: the front buffer should be already swapped to be the user buffer, throws error otherwise.

◆ layoutSetFrontDataExt()

template<typename scalar_t >
void slate::Tile< scalar_t >::layoutSetFrontDataExt ( bool  front = true)

Sets the front buffer of the extended tile, and adjusts stride accordingly.

NOTE: tile should be already extended, throws error otherwise.

◆ operator()()

template<typename scalar_t >
scalar_t slate::Tile< scalar_t >::operator() ( int64_t  i,
int64_t  j 
) const

Returns element {i, j} of op(A).

The actual value is returned, not a reference. Use at() to get a reference. If op() is ConjTrans, data IS conjugated, unlike with at(). This takes column-major / row-major layout into account.

[in]iRow index. 0 <= i < mb.
[in]jColumn index. 0 <= j < nb.

◆ recv()

template<typename scalar_t >
void slate::Tile< scalar_t >::recv ( int  src,
MPI_Comm  mpi_comm,
Layout  layout,
int  tag = 0 

Receives tile from MPI rank src.

[in]srcSource MPI rank in mpi_comm.
[in]mpi_commMPI communicator.
[in]layoutIndicates the Layout (ColMajor/RowMajor) of the received data.
[in]tagMPI tag

◆ send()

template<typename scalar_t >
void slate::Tile< scalar_t >::send ( int  dst,
MPI_Comm  mpi_comm,
int  tag = 0 
) const

Sends tile to MPI rank dst.

[in]dstDestination MPI rank in mpi_comm.
[in]mpi_commMPI communicator.
[in]tagMPI tag

◆ set() [1/2]

template<typename scalar_t >
void slate::Tile< scalar_t >::set ( scalar_t  value)

Set tile data to constant.

[in]valueValue set on both diagonal and off-diagonal elements.

◆ set() [2/2]

template<typename scalar_t >
void slate::Tile< scalar_t >::set ( scalar_t  offdiag_value,
scalar_t  diag_value 

Set tile data to constants.

[in]offdiag_valueValue set on off-diagonal elements.
[in]diag_valueValue set on diagonal elements.

◆ slice()

template<typename scalar_t >
Tile< scalar_t > slate::Tile< scalar_t >::slice ( Op  op,
int64_t  i,
int64_t  j,
int64_t  mb,
int64_t  nb,
Uplo  uplo 

Creates a tile with the same data that slices the view of this tile.

Specifically offsets the data pointer to op(A)(i, j), where this is this tile, sets the number of rows and columns to mb, and sets uplo to uplo

[in]opWhether the matrix is transposed or not
[in]iRow offset. 0 <= i <= i+mb < this->mb.
[in]jCol offset. 0 <= j <= j+nb < this->nb.
[in]mbNumber of rows. 0 <= mb <= this->mb.
[in]nbNumber of columns. 0 <= nb <= this->nb.
[in]uploUpper, lower, or general storage flag

◆ state()

template<typename scalar_t >
MOSI slate::Tile< scalar_t >::state ( )

Returns the MOSI status of the tile.

To check the OnHold flag, use stateOn. Note that this is the MOSI state from when the tile was accessed and may not be up to date with the canonical version.

◆ uplo_logical()

template<typename scalar_t >
Uplo slate::Tile< scalar_t >::uplo_logical ( ) const

◆ uploLogical()

template<typename scalar_t >
Uplo slate::Tile< scalar_t >::uploLogical

Returns whether op(A) is logically Upper, Lower, or General storage, taking the transposition operation into account.

Same as uplo().

See also

◆ uploPhysical()

template<typename scalar_t >
Uplo slate::Tile< scalar_t >::uploPhysical

Returns whether A is Upper, Lower, or General storage, ignoring the transposition operation.

See also

◆ userData()

template<typename scalar_t >
scalar_t * slate::Tile< scalar_t >::userData ( )
Pointer to the user allocated buffer

Member Data Documentation

◆ layout_

template<typename scalar_t >
Layout slate::Tile< scalar_t >::layout_

layout_: The physical ordering of elements in the data buffer:

  • ColMajor: elements of a column are 1-strided
  • RowMajor: elements of a row are 1-strided

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