SLATE 2024.05.31
Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascale
No Matches


template<typename src_matrix_type , typename dst_matrix_type >
void slate::copy (src_matrix_type &A, dst_matrix_type &B, Options const &opts)
 Copy and precision conversion.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ copy()

template<typename src_matrix_type , typename dst_matrix_type >
void slate::copy ( src_matrix_type &  A,
dst_matrix_type &  B,
Options const &  opts 

Copy and precision conversion.

Assuming the same distribution of source and destination. Transposition is currently ignored. TODO: Inspect transposition?

Template Parameters
src_matrix_typeSource matrix type: Matrix, HermitianMatrix.
dst_matrix_typeDestination matrix type: Matrix, HermitianMatrix.
[in]AThe m-by-n matrix A.
[in,out]BOn entry, the m-by-n matrix B. On exit, overwritten by dst_matrix_type(A).
[in]optsAdditional options, as map of name = value pairs. Possible options:
  • Option::Target: Implementation to target. Possible values:
    • HostTask: OpenMP tasks on CPU host [default].
    • HostNest: nested OpenMP parallel for loop on CPU host.
    • HostBatch: batched BLAS on CPU host.
    • Devices: batched BLAS on GPU device.