SLATE 2024.05.31
Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascale
This is the complete list of members for slate::Debug, including all inherited members.
checkDeviceMemoryLeaks(Memory const &m, int device) | slate::Debug | static |
checkHostMemoryLeaks(Memory const &m) | slate::Debug | static |
checkTilesLayout(BaseMatrix< scalar_t > const &A) | slate::Debug | static |
checkTilesLives(BaseMatrix< scalar_t > const &A) | slate::Debug | static |
diffLapackMatrices(int64_t m, int64_t n, scalar_t const *A, int64_t lda, scalar_t const *B, int64_t ldb, int64_t mb, int64_t nb) | slate::Debug | static |
off() | slate::Debug | inlinestatic |
on() | slate::Debug | inlinestatic |
printNumFreeMemBlocks(Memory const &m) | slate::Debug | static |
printNumFreeMemBlocks(BaseMatrix< scalar_t > const &A) (defined in slate::Debug) | slate::Debug | inlinestatic |
printTiles_(BaseMatrix< scalar_t > const &A, const char *name, int fields, const char *func, const char *file, int line) | slate::Debug | static |