Parallel Linear Algebra Software for Multicore Architectures
Level 2: matrix-vector operations, O(n^2) work

Matrix operations that perform \( O(n^2) \) work on \( O(n^2) \) data. These are memory bound, since every operation requires a memory read or write. More...


 geadd: Add matrices
 \( B = \alpha A + \beta B \)
 gemv: General matrix-vector multiply
 \( y = \alpha Ax + \beta y \)
 ger: General matrix rank 1 update
 \( A = \alpha xy^T + A \)
 hemv: Hermitian matrix-vector multiply
 \( y = \alpha Ax + \beta y \)
 her: Hermitian rank 1 update
 \( A = \alpha xx^T + A \)
 her2: Hermitian rank 2 update
 \( A = \alpha xy^T + \alpha yx^T + A \)
 symv: Symmetric matrix-vector multiply
 \( y = \alpha Ax + \beta y \)
 syr: Symmetric rank 1 update
 \( A = \alpha xx^T + A \)
 syr2: Symmetric rank 2 update
 \( A = \alpha xy^T + \alpha yx^T + A \)
 trmv: Triangular matrix-vector multiply
 \( x = Ax \)
 trsv: Triangular matrix-vector solve
 \( x = op(A^{-1})\; b \)
 lacpy: Copy matrix
 \( B = A \)
 lascl: Scale matrix by scalar
 \( A = \alpha A \)
 lascl2: Scale matrix by diagonal
 \( A = D A \)
 laset: Set matrix to constants
 \( A_{ij} = \) diag if \( i=j \); \( A_{ij} = \) offdiag otherwise.

Detailed Description

Matrix operations that perform \( O(n^2) \) work on \( O(n^2) \) data. These are memory bound, since every operation requires a memory read or write.